Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What I Believe and Feel

What if just for once we all lived up to our own individual potential? What would the world be like, what would America be like? Would we need to have a government or would we be able to govern ourselves without having someone looking over our shoulder. I fear that we will never get a chance to know, because I believe that we have already set ourselves on a path that has no return. Now this is coming from things that I have heard and what has transpired over the last month. When I here a person that has changed my life for the better, say that they want to walk off into the sunset and never come back! When I hear this it breaks my heart because it’s coming from someone who over the past five years has tried their best to make this planet a better place one way or another. The people of this world have chewed up those of us who have chosen or tried to make a difference, by casting us out, turning the world against us. Making our cry’s for change seem as though they are coming from the mentally insane. But why you might ask ,is it fear of change? Fear of the unknown or is it basic human teachings, that have been taught over the past few generation , to fear what you can’t understand and control! When it comes to the government people follow like blind sheep, it reminds me of any Elvis song (Are you lonesome tonight) this line from it in particular ( But I’d rather go on hearing your lies then to go on living without you) Most of us know they feed us lies daily but people gobble it up and ask for more. When you look back at all the great Americans and what this country was founded on, its easy to fall in love with that idea but at the same time if you look at that idea and what it has become, then its just as easy to shed a tear . Maybe I’m wrong about all this. I don’t really know, but I do know that this is how I feel. People of this country don’t realize, but our fate is what we make it and it has not been decided for us! Most believe that everything is going to happen a certain way no matter what you do, but in my opinion that’s just not the case. It’s what we make it, it’s what we want it to be. All we have to do to realize this, is to start listen to our heart, soul , and then maybe this world will be a better place.

Anyone wanna take a risk?

What happened to risk takers in Hollywood? If it wasn’t for risk takers we would not have some of the greatest movies of all time. I think the best example of that would be Star Wars. It was turned down at every studio but fox where Alan Lad Jr. saw what it could be and took a huge risk in making it. Look at what that risk has done for the film industry!! If it was not for Star wars getting made we might not have ILM, THX and the Biggest one of all Pixar. All that because of a risk. Fast forward to the present and the last big risk taken was Watchmen, which made 56 million open weekend but everyone says that it Bombed. On a side note I hope some day I can make a bomb that makes half that much opening weekend. Anyway Watchmen was cut for an R-rating in order to do justice to it’s source material, which I thought was great but according to most movies goers it was just to much . So with this supposed weak opening WB announced that they will never again make an R rated super hero movie, then a few weeks later they are fighting with McG to cut Terminator from an R to a PG-13, all because of Watchmen . Studios are now afraid of making anything R-rated because they think it will not make as much as it would if the rating where lower. I mean have some balls. Why is it a bad thing if a movie stays close to the martial even if its R-rated ? Some times you take a risk and it’s hit or miss but if you never take them, how will you ever know what you could of had?

Gaming Story's Are all to often over look!

Gaming Story’s Being Over Looked

So I just got done watching the Ghostbusters video game trailer and it has me jazzed, but it also got me thinking about all the games that have come from movies and all the movies that have come from games. I’m trying to think of one movie that came from a game idea that was really good, Max Payne and Mortal Kombat are good but not even close to being as good as there game counter parts. I think that Hollywood is to blame for this because they don’t take the gaming industry seriously, they look at game ideas as just ways to make a quick buck! I think that if they took them seriously they would have some huge blockbusters on there hands. If only Hollywood would realize that it takes these gaming companies years to make these game’s great, maybe then they would stop making the movie of the game in two months and give it the treatment it needs. Video game movies have a bad rep of sucking and then we here the crappy excuses that the story is only good for a game and not a real movie Blah Blah Blah. All it’s going to take is one visionary Director and Studio and people will see how great these games can translate to the big screen. Think about this, there where more people lined up for Halo 3 at midnight then there where for the Dark Knight at midnight. Why? Because everyone wanted to know what happened to Master Chief. A video game character that had people emotional attached to him. How can you say that’s not what every writer wants, people feeling attached to their characters! How can Hollywood say that’s not good for film??? If you want to see someone who knows how to take a game and put it on film check out Rupert Sanders and the Halo ODST Trailer.